Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January somethingth

I've lost track! lol

I just got home from my second visit of the day with dad.  We're getting this driving on I-5 thing down.  But jeepers, could they please make their lanes a little wider?!?  I'm used to the Alaskan roads I guess.  I spend most of the time with my eyes closed hoping the other drivers stay where they're supposed to.  Then I remember I'm the one driving. 

They (the powers that be, usually wearing long white coats) have decided that dad is no longer sick enough for ICU!  They will be moving him probably tonight.  *cue theme song from The Jeffersons*  More than likely he will be back on the 15th floor, oncology.

I met several different doctors tonight.  I will go in chronological order (mostly because I have no other order to use):  First was the Gastro Intestinal or perhaps Enterologist (she said it so fast I couldn't quite understand)doc.  She was there just asking dad how he felt.  They are thinking they may start to introduce food by mouth as early as tomorrow (note:  got a slightly different report from the next doc).  Not a guarantee, but it's nice to know they are thinking they may not need the NG tube, although that option is always available.  He's understandably a little nervous about eating.  They have started him on Reglan, which I'm familiar with as a diabetic.  I don't take it, but I do know what it is for.  The stomach naturally contracts and relaxes, which is known as peristalsis.  Pancreatic cancer can kill the nerves that regulate this, leaving the stomach contents to fend for themselves.  The medicine helps with this.  Quite frankly, I said if you want contractions, try Pitocin - it works like a son-of-a-gun!  For some reason they didn't think it would work.  ;)  Every woman reading this just laughed out loud and every man probably has a puzzled look on their face.  Google!

Next in was a doctor from the team upstairs that will be taking over Dad's care.  He gave him the once over and decided that possibly they will tap his abdomen again to remove fluid.  The fluid is taking up precious space the lungs could use to expand.  He's breathing pretty shallowly (hope that's a word) and they'd like him to breathe deeper if possible.  Dad's blood oxygen level is still hovering around the 98 - 100% level with a blood pressure that most of us would envy!  I think at one point it was something like 113/67.  I can only aspire to that!

To help clarify what the fluid is exactly, it's a by-product of the malnutrition and it has to do with albumin (or lack thereof), which is a protein.  From

"Albumin is made mainly in the liver. It helps keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing."

My understanding is that due to a lack of albumin, the body leeches fluid into the cavities and tissues.  This is why the swelling of the legs/ankles and fluid in his belly.  This is just my take on it, and it by no means is written in stone.  I just hope I'm close! 

He also discussed the chances of feeding by mouth.  It probably won't be a few days, according to him, so they can let the Reglan do it's thing, and see if it's going to work.  Let's hope!

Last, but not least, is Dr. Picozzi, Dad's oncologist.  He visited tonight and said that they see no indication that the cancer has gotten any worse.  His cancer treatment has moved down the priority list.  He says we need to concentrate on "NIB" - Nutrition, Infection and Breathing.  He said at the most, cancer is number four on the list.  The Doc has every intention of singing with Dad in 3 months at the Pancreatic Cancer Benefit thingy.  I don't know what it's officially called.  I think it involves Symposium.  I dunno.  They sing.  They dance.  They eat dinner. 

I believe Dad will be moved tonight, but hasn't as of this writing (8:56 pm).  He just called to tell me he wants his cell phone and charger.  Uh oh.

Good night!

Leslie :)


  1. Dear Uncle Eddie, Aunt Shirley, Jann, Leslie, and Gina and families,
    Sending love and prayers from the Gabe Joseph Family in Walla Walla.
    We love you all are thinking of good times together.
    AnnRene' called and left a message at the home and hospital with her cell phone and prayer for continued improvement.
    Love from all the Josephs! Gabe and Margaret and family

  2. right on...Good to hear the improvement!
    Pat Moore

  3. So glad that Mr Al is feeling better. I love reading this blog......just received it from another friend of mine. Mr. Al was my choir teacher at Terrace back in 1964-66 :)
    Give him my love and a hug.
    God's blessings.
    Dianne Potter Barnhart

  4. Leslie - Thank you again for another thourough update. Truely, enjoy reading your wit. I remember it well from the BBQ last summer at the 'Mukilteo Aquarium'!
    Our prayers are with you all every day.
    Kathy Holm Bezold

  5. Great updates Leslie. I am right there with you even though I am facing the cold winds of Colorado. My prayers are with you all.
    Love you all.
