Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our Inaugural Post!

Many of you have been calling inquiring as to how Ed is doing. We figured this would be the best way to get the information out to the largest audience. We've never blogged before, so this will be a learning experience for us. We're slowly getting into this technology thing.

I am Leslie, Ed's middle daughter. Of course, I'm the important one, but my two sisters, Gina and Jann may disagree. But I digress... ;)

We will try and keep this updated daily, if even just to say we've got nothing new to report! Sometimes life gets in the way, and a day may get skipped, but we'll catch up - eventually!

So, with that said, on to the report!

First a little background:

Dad was hospitalized for 3 weeks with what they believe is/was bilateral pneumonitis. It's not pneumonia, but similar in the fact that his lungs and surrounding area filled with fluid (I'll do some reading up on it and post info at a later date). They removed a liter of fluid from and around EACH lung. It took a while to find a medicine that worked, but finally good ol' prednisone combined with some pretty powerful antibiotics started to make headway. After making terrific progress (much to everybody's surprise [they obviously don't know him!]) they discharged him on January 2, 2010. The time in the hospital and the illness took their toll on his strength and weight. He pretty much lost his ability to walk, just due to the weakness. They had him up and taking a few assisted steps, which was great to see! With these deficits, and his oxygen tank in tow, he was moved to Manor Care of Lynnwood, a rehabilitation facility. He will probably be there up to 60 days. They are amazed at his day-to-day progress, so maybe he'll be out sooner. Of course, we hope this is the case!

The medicines he is on have their own issues - the two most notable are diabetes and what dad calls "foggy head." He sometimes is a bit confused, but when he stops to think and realign his thoughts, he comes through it. Both of these issues theoretically will correct themselves when he is off the steroids. We don't know when that will be, exactly. He took the last of his antibiotics today, which he is thankful for. He thinks he takes too many pills! We say if they work, fill him up!

As to dad's spirit, well we all know how that is! He is constantly 'up' and quite frankly, I think he scared the nurses at the hospital - he would sing, joke, and laugh with them. I don't think they quite knew what to make of this man that was supposedly so ill, yet so happy. Just when they thought they had that under control, they were introduced to the Aliverti gang! We aren't exactly known for our quiet, blend-into-the-background personalities... Need I say more? lol Humor, prayers and positive thinking are what have gotten us this far, why change now?

Now, on to today's notes:

He has Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) every day. Usually 7am (gasp!) and 11am. Today he pretty much worked clear through, with a break for a very welcome visit from a dear friend. In OT, they had him getting himself to the wheelchair and then getting to the sink for his morning hygiene routine. Then they took him to the rehab room to work with him some more. For PT they are starting with upper body strength. I believe this to be so he can wheel himself and use a walker. I have to admit I'm glad it's not me they're putting through the paces! I'd be whining for sure...

I will post a mailing address for him, when I know it. He would love to hear from you! He can't get enough reading material. We take magazines and the daily paper, and he goes through them in no time. Getting cards and letters would be awesome!

I think this will do for tonight. Stay tuned for more!

We all thank you so very much for your continued prayers, support and concern. It's what keeps us going. Well, that and the fact that we're just pretty danged stubborn...

The Aliverti gang


  1. Leslie, thanks for posting this cool blog for us to keep updated on your Dad. A "BLOG"?
    What the hell is that? Now we know. We've been closely following his progress and we think of him often. We wanted to call, but knew that respecting their privacy was paramount. Please pass along our warmest wishes for speedy recovery, and send along his new address when you get it. Best to all your family.
    Love Sheila & Burt

  2. Great to hear Uncle Ed's recovery is progressing well! It sounds like you are all in positive spirits... What better way to speed up one's recovery process that "this"?! Thanks for sharing the info:) Its been a while since I saw Uncle Ed, but if I remember correcly the last time I was with him we were having a "watermelon seed spitting contest" to see who could spit the furthest - at the cabin in Birch Bay!! Wow, it's been a while. Im sure I could beat him by now... Maybe not. GIve himy best and thanks again for keeping s all "in the loop"!! Love, Holly (Wells) Owen

  3. Thank you Jann, Leslie and Gina for starting this Blog. I had the pleasure of visiting your Dad at Stevens Hospital a few weeks back and this blog is a great way for friends and family to stay up to date on Ed's progress.
