Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday, January 31st

Good evening!  After a much needed day off, I am back!  Just when you thought it was safe...

I didn't go down to see Dad yesterday, so this part is from what I understand from Gina.  Yesterday they tapped Dad's other lung and drew off another liter of fluid.  He is breathing MUCH easier now, although it is still a little struggle.  He's still on the C-Pap-like breathing apparatus, which forces the oxygen into his lungs, thus expanding them.  This forced air, at this point, is probably expanding the lungs more than if he were to do this himself.  Oh and get this - Gina called down there yesterday morning to get an update from his nurse.  She said the doctor was so impressed with Gina and me (I?) after our stint assisting the first lung tap, he requested us again!  lol  Gina was going down so she said she and her husband would be happy to.  Turns out the docs freed up before G got down there, so it was all done by the time they got there.  I just find this too funny.  Soon, we will be running the joint!  Typical Alivertis.

We did go see him today.  He's still breathing pretty darned good, as long as he's on that apparatus.  They just don't want to use this too long or his body won't try and do it itself. They are hoping to wean him down to a regular nasal canula, cannula, cannulla, canoodle or whatever it is actually called/spelled. I'm too lazy to look it up tonight. :o) I keep leaving out little words as I type this so I must be tired!  That, or I'm channeling my inner Yoda.  If you discover a missing word, please keep it to yourself.  Hopefully nobody else will notice.

He's speaking in fuller sentences now, also.  When it was so hard to breathe it was, at the most, two words at a time.  His voice sounds much stronger now, too.  Not what it was, but it's not as raspy.  He did mention today that he is extremely BORED!  I can't imagine laying in that hospital bed for as long as he has.  I'd be going stir crazy, to say the least.  I wish his bed faced the other way, so he could look out at Lake Union off in the distance.  Such a beautiful view.  It's too bad he only sees part of it.  He does have a lovely print of a watercolor on the wall at the foot of his bed.  It's a water and sailboat scene.  You will see him just staring at it and he may even tell you he sees a bear in it.  Kind of like looking at clouds, I guess.  I'm thinking I want the meds he's on so I can see the bear, too.

He has been rather tired these past few days.  He was on some pretty good pain medicine after each of the lung tappings.  They should be probably tapering that down by now, but maybe not.  I say visiting would be okay, as long as it's not too long at a time.  He tends to doze, so don't take it personally!  lol  I just think visitors might help abate some of the boredom.  The main thing is, if 2 or 3 people are in there, please wait for a few minutes out in, what I call, the Fish Room.  That's the lobby area where you catch the elevators.

Oh!  Speaking of elevators, I'm sure you're anxious to know how the elevators and I are getting along (lie if you have to).  I believe I have appeased the elevator gods and I'm happy to report I've always ended up where I intended to go.  No more milk runs for me!  :o)   But, I digress...

Back to the visitors.  If you are the visitors visiting the visitee, and you happen to be visiting said visitee and more visitors appear, please be mindful and perhaps switch out with the waiting visitors, so they can visit the visitee. 

That was just fun to write. 

I think that's it for now.  I apologize to those that have so thoughtfully sent us emails.  I haven't had much chance to get to them to answer, but I guarantee you, I read them out loud to Dad when I'm down there.  Just what DID we do before iPhones?  I can access the emails right there in the room.  Too cool.

You all have a great week!  Keep the prayers and good vibes flowing.  We are all convinced that they are working.  Speaking on behalf of the entire Aliverti clan, we thank you so very much.  And to those that have taken it upon themselves to take care of our food needs, all I can say is, are memberships to Jenny Craig included?!?  My goodness!  What kind and thoughtful friends we are surrounded by.  We wouldn't have it any other way.

Good night --

Leslie :)

1 comment:

  1. A sunny day here is one which brings good news about Ed's recovery. Thank you for keeping us informed. Tell Ed we are praying for his speedy recovery. With his VERY SPECIAL nursing team we know he is getting the best care. Keep it up nurses!
    Love, Patti and Loren
