Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday, January 22nd

Well, I guess technically it's the 23rd, but don't tell anybody.

Hi all!

Dad had an interesting day.  I haven't talked to him this evening, but I'm venturing a guess that it was a hard day on him.

First, he couldn't eat (since noon on Thursday) because they were doing an endoscopy today.  Naturally, they didn't know what time, so pretty much as soon as they decided to do one the next day, food was withheld.  We just get him to eat, and today he couldn't!  Poor guy.  The endo was at about 3:30 this afternoon.  The reason for it was to place the feeding tube further down in his intestinal tract.  There is a narrowing, or blockage there somewhere.  Unfortunately, they were not able to investigate.  Turned out after all that time, there was still undigested food in his stomach, therefore they couldn't see anything.  They are starting nutrition via IV for a few days, to let the food clear out and move on its merry way.  He gets to do it all again in a couple days.  There are going to give him a heavier sedation, possibly a general next time.

He was moved to a different room for the remainder of today and into tomorrow.  It's called a step-down room, and it's kind in between a recovery room and a regular room (from what I understand).  More nurses and more attention, to make sure all is going well in the time after the endo.

As to visitors, I'd give him until at least Tuesday.  If all goes as planned he will be having the next endo sometime on Monday.  These past few days have been pretty tough on him. 

One of the highlights of my visit this morning was I heard him sing.  He was describing songs and he sang a few bars of a selection from "Annie."  It was so nice to hear him singing, even if for a brief shining moment.  He had quite a few visitors, so mom and I went down to the cafeteria so he could visit with them.  I don't care what anybody says, I really like hospital cafeteria food!  :o)  So many choices! 

Oh, I'd be remiss if I didn't warn you about the elevators in the hospital.  Apparently it took a year, but they got new elevators with newfangled operating instructions.  You know, was pushing the up or down arrow to call an elevator and pushing the button corresponding with your destination floor really that difficult?  Did we really need to build a better mousetrap?  Here's how it works:  You will come upon the elevators and in the space previously occupied by aforementioned up and down arrows, is a really big numerical keypad.  I panicked as it looks like you need a PIN or password to get in the elevator!  Don't fear - you just punch in the floor you want on this keypad.  It will then tell you (yes, I said tell you) which elevator car you will be taking.  If the other elevator arrives before your assigned elevator, FIGHT THE URGE TO GET ON IT!  DON'T DO IT!  This will only lead to grief and the milk run tour of the hospital!  Of course, it will be going to every floor BUT the one you want.  Stick to your guns and wait for 'your' elevator.  Once in it, there are no buttons to push - it's already programmed.  Do verify on the area near the doorjamb that the floor you are headed to is lit up.  If not, get out, re-enter desired floor, lather, rinse and repeat.  If you waited for the elevator they told you to wait for, you will get to where you're going!  Can you tell that I'm speaking from experience on most points here?  It reminded me of the Willy Wonka elevator that goes up, down, side to side and diagonally.  I think that's next for Virginia Mason...  After my first run in with the new elevators, I needed a nap.  Seriously.  Learn from my mistakes - I'm here to help!

If you're still with me, congratulations!  You don't mind reading and avoiding your laundry pile, either.  Right on!

Here's to a quiet, restful weekend.  I think we could all use one!

Goodnight --

Leslie :)

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