Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, January 17th

Good evening!

I was just re-reading past blogs and I realized I left out one very important fact (but I may be just slightly biased) - Ed's first great grandchild was born on January 10th!  His name is Dylan Edward Granath and he was born to my oldest daughter, Ashley (Ed's first grandchild) and her husband, Derrick.  He weighed in at 6 lbs. 3.6 ozs and 19 1/2" long.  Quite a bruiser for a preemie!  Needless to say, we are thrilled.  It was an adventure to get that phone call saying it was time, when he wasn't due until mid February.  Everything fell into place and I was literally on the next plane outta Dodge.  Made it back to Wasilla, AK on Saturday in plenty of time!  We are so thankful that he is happy and healthy.  He is definitely anxious to meet his great grampa!

On a related note, I will be heading back to Edmonds on Wednesday.  My blogs will actually be written with first-hand knowledge!  lol

Today was another testing day for dad.  Dr. Picozzi wanted to basically re-run some tests Dad had done a few weeks ago.  I'm thinking with the way dad's gettin' stuck with needles, we will be able to use him as a sprinkler soon!  ;o)  He still continues to improve, and he still has his appetite!  He actually was a little upset when he couldn't eat due to upcoming tests.  That's a welcome sign!  He is still in isolation, so the visitors are still limited to family.  Hopefully we are a day closer to changing that.  When I get the word, you'll get the word!

Thank you to all those have left comments, and sent email.  You can bet we are printing them out and gathering them for dad to read.  You all have opened your hearts to us all and it such a nice warm feeling.  I love reading the experiences you share about your times with Dad.  Just makes me smile, and for that, I thank you.  Sometimes it gets a little tough to smile.  That's when I think about times like those you write about.

On that warm fuzzy note, I bid you all a good night.  Here's to a great week ahead --

Leslie :)
p.s.  I think I learned how to insert pics into the blog!  Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Just checking back to view Ed's progress. "Always complications", just like Life, huh? But if ANYBODY can overcome obstacles Ed is our man.... Ed, you inspire me, and I really mean that! Glad you got to see pics of your G-G Grandson! Leslie, please contact me if you'd like to meet for coffee or something before your return to the Great White North, ok? Thank you all!
    --James Glasgow, trombonist-at-large
